Support > Keyboard Shortcuts


  • To change a rhythm, simply type the corresponding number code using your keyboard. The name of the new rhythm will then be displayed directly below the name of the current rhythm. At this point the rhythm will not yet be playing on the heart monitor, but will be queued as the next rhythm to be played.
  • If you want to change the heart rate, conduction ratios or ectopic activity of the queued rhythm before activating it, you can do so now using the designated shortcut keys without affecting the currently playing rhythm. (When no rhythm is queued, the shortcut keys for heart rate, conduction ratios and ectopic activity take effect immediately on the currently playing rhythm.)
  • When you are satisfied with the queued rhythm, press [Enter] to activate the rhythm and clear the queue.
  • Or press [Backspace] to swap the new rhythm with the current rhythm, placing the current rhythm in queue as the next rhythm to be played. (This is an easy way to switch back and forth between two rhythms without having to re-enter the rhythm code.)

General Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Activate Queued Rhythm* [Enter]
Swap Currently Playing Rhythm with Queued Rhythm [Backpace]
Increase heart rate, conduction ratio or amplitude of rhythm** [up]
Decrease heart rate, conduction ratio or amplitude of rhythm** [down]
Show/Hide Rhythm Information T
Toggle On/Off Fullscreen Mode W
Pause/Resume Rhythm Playback P
Generate a Random Rhythm R
Lock/Unlock Application Window L

*When no other rhythm is queued, the [enter] key duplicates the active rhythm and adds it to the queue.

**Affects the queued rhythm if one exists, otherwise affects the active rhythm.

Ectopic Activity Shortcuts

Ectopic Activity Shortcut
Unifocal PVC C
Multifocal PVC V
Couplet PVC B

Ectopic activity shortcuts affect the queued rhythm if one exists, otherwise they affect the active rhythm.

To remove the current ectopic activity, press the shortcut key a second time.

Rhythm and Arrhythmia Shortcuts

Rhythm or Arrhythmia Name Shortcut
Normal Sinus Rhythm 10
Sinus Tachycardia 11
Sinus Bradycardia 12
Sinus Rhythm with ST Depression 13
Sinus Rhythm with ST Elevation 14
Sinus Rhythm with a Bundle Branch Block 15
Sinus Rhythm with WPW Syndrome 16
Sinus Arrhythmia 17
Sinus Exit Block 18
Sinus Arrest 19
Atrial Tachycardia 30
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia 31
Atrial Flutter 32
Atrial Fibrillation 33
Atrial Fibrillation with WPW Syndrome 34
Junctional Rhythm 40
Accelerated Junctional Rhythm 41
Junctional Tachycardia 42
First Degree AV Block 43
Second Degree AV Block Type 1 (Mobitz I/Wenckebach) 44
Second Degree AV Block Type 2 (Mobitz II) 45
Third Degree AV Block 46
Third Degree AV Block with Atrial Fibrillation 47
Pacing 50
Atrial Pacing 51
AV-Sequential Pacemaker 52
Pacing with Loss of Capture 53
Pacing with Atrial Fibrillation 54
Pacing with a Sinus Rate of 90 55
Idioventricular Rhythm 60
Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm 61
Ventricular Tachycardia 62
Torsade de Pointes 63
Ventricular Flutter 64
Ventricular Fibrillation 65
Asystole 70
Agonal Rhythm 71
Ventricular Standstill 72